1002 All No-DVD Add new comment Add new comment. I feel like every Forza game should be on Game Pass. My specs are Processor AMD Ry6-Core Processor Graphics Card NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti (6. Turned out to be a very simple fix!PS: I recorded this in my. Forza Horizon 4 launching issues could happen when the game is not properly installed on your PC, or certain game files are corrupted or missing. it requires to run into 48 fps, don't know, what's causes crash on nvidia GPU on higher framerate, but strict 48 frames resolve crashes on 1 hour-gameplay. 9 GB Total) I have had a few XBOX for PC games crash on me … If your Forza Horizon 4 is crashing, one of the following must be the cause: Random game glitch. Forza Horizon 5 … Forza Horizon 5 players are experiencing the worst kind of crashes. One reason why Forza Horizon 5 is crashing at startup is your anti-virus. If somehow the Forza Horizon 5 game is still going through issues, make sure to turn it off from the Background Apps feature on your PC. There is no doubt that Forza Horizon 4 is a well-optimized game for PC, even a GTX 1060 is capable of running it at Ultra settings. The furthest I manage to get is a brief flash of the very first grey loading screen and then nothing. The game crashes anytime a cutscene starts if the wheel is on. Forza Horizon 4 crashing on startup / not launching. A few players are encountering crashes in the game they are either startup crashes or random crashes while they are playing. This may result in an incompatibility between Forza Horizon 4 and the features that are common in third-party applications. For further queries, you can comment below.